Returning to save him at the last minute is Time Patrol/Xeno Goku, accompanied by his equivalent Vegeta, both in Super Saiyan 4 forms. Albeit briefly before Goku gets beaten into the ground pretty quickly. This episode starts with a total disregard to the line uttered by Cumber at the ending of the previous part, having recognised something about Goku’s Super Saiyan God transformation.

It’s made all the worse by the fact that this was one of the more interesting episodes on a conceptual level. With the Lab being destroyed, follow the objective markers on the map and make your way to Vegeta and Trunks.Did this show just imply that Super Saiyan 4 was a stronger transformation than Super Saiyan God and Blue? I’m sorry, but I feel like this is doing all it can to just rub me the wrong way. Once you arrive, have Trunks destroy the base to ensure that Cell can not exist in this current timeline.

Playing as Trunks once again, follow the objective markers on the map until you come across Dr.

Using the same technique as you did with all the previous Androids, take out the Mysterious Monster. Much like the other Androids that you have faced, the Mysterious Monster will have the ability to heal himself, so definitely stay clear of his charge attacks as you do not want him to get a hold of you. Upon arriving at the indicated area on the map, Piccolo will encounter a Mysterious Monster. Having gained a significant power increase after fusing with Kami, Piccolo is stronger than ever before. Once fused, follow the objective marker to the indicated area on the map.

Playing as Kami, make your way to Kami's Lookout and fuse with him.