
Steam Ejector Design Software
Steam Ejector Design Software

Steam Ejector Design Software

The mixture then enters to an inter condenser where the steam is condensate. So due to pressure difference or vacuum it sucks no condensable air and fluid from the system. When a high pressure motive fluid (steam/liquid) enters the steam nozzle, this result in a decreasing pressure and increasing velocity of the fluid again the fluid enters in the diffuser which result in a increasing pressure and decreasing velocity of the fluid so due to pressure difference vacuum is created in between the nozzle and diffuser we can say venture throat. It generally consists of converging nozzle, diverging nozzle, diffuser throat, inlet and outlet pipes, Rotameter for measurement of air flow, cells with tube for regeneration heat transfer, Steam traps for drip control.

Steam Ejector Design Software

The amount of air extracted at the time of starting is more as compared to running unit. It removes air from the condenser and provide vacuum. The main function of the ejector is to extract air and no condensate gasses from a closed system.

Steam Ejector Design Software